My Momma

My Momma Is Nearing The End

She went to the hospital the other day.

The doctor gave her medication for an infection which caused her to have a seizure.

The seizure then caused a heart attack.

Now, she can’t walk by herself.

Before she went in the hospital, she walked just fine.

I’m sad.

I know we’re all going to die someday.

But, we all hope that day is put off as long as possible.

I went and saw her today in the Rehabilitation Center.

We had a nice visit but when you get older you sometimes don’t know what’s good for you.

So, I had to talk her into taking her medicine and to get a shot.

And, I had to talk her into drinking some Ensure.

I Wouldn’t Be Where I Am Without Her

You see I wouldn’t be where I am without her.

I was an idiot when I was younger.

And she kept me in line.

Usually, it was with a belt.

And I needed the belt.

I would have never kept grinding as hard and as long as I did and made it through law school without her.

I was broke as heck going through college and law school.

I still remember when the guys on my dorm room floor in college were ordering food to get delivered to the dorm.

One guy on my dorm floor said, “Jay can’t afford it.”

He was right.

But, it sure embarrassed the heck out of me.  

I never forgot it.

My Momma told me to use that as motivation.

And that’s what I did.

I Left My Momma Today

I left her and told her I’d be back.

But, I honestly don’t know if I’ll see her again before she dies.

She could die as I’m typing this.

I hope not.

But, as she told me long ago, everyone has to go sometimes.

And I guess she is nearing her time.


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