Sarah Rushing And Erika Larson

Sarah Rushing And Erika Larson – How Do The Parents Move On?

Sarah Rushing and Erika Larson.

You know, life will move on for us.

But, for the parents of Sarah Rushing and Erika Larson, life isn’t going to move on.

Heck, I don’t know how in the world life could go on.

I’ve got 5 kids and I would be completely and totally devastated if they were killed in a wreck like Sarah Rushing and Erika Larson.

Sarah Rushing And Erika Larson – No Seat Belts?

Kim Rushing told the paper that neither Sarah or Erika were wearing their seat belts.

She asked “Why weren’t they wearing them?”

I wish I had an answer for that.

I wish I could turn back time like Superman and spin the world backwards and put these seat belts on for these kids.

But, I can’t and no one can.

This is why I have the Mississippi Seat Belt Pledge.

I give away my book for free to anyone as long as they take the pledge

I did this pledge before on my blog but someone got upset about it.

So, I never did it again.

Sarah Rushing And Erika Larson – Wear Your Seat Belt!

Look, I don’t care what you do, where you work, whether you hate lawyers like I do or not.

Do yourself a favor, do your friends and family a favor and WEAR your seat belt.

I don’t know if this would have helped Sarah Rushing and Erika Larson.

But, it might have.

And if there’s just one chance in a million that it might save your life, I’ll bet you that your friends and family would say wear the stupid seat belt.

I wear mine every time.

Not just some of the time.


Put it on and buckle up.

Erika Larson trained as a gymnast.

Sarah Rushing trained as a weight lifter.

Their lives were cut way too short.

And they may have been lost over something really simple.

A seat belt.

And please pray for the friends and family of these poor girls.

Sarah Sarah Rushing and Erika Larson Ocean Springs Car Wreck Lawyer Accident Biloxi Car Wreck Attorney Jay Foster
Ocean Springs Car Wreck Lawyer Accident Biloxi Car Wreck Attorney Jay Foster

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