Carpal Tunnel – Mississippi Workmans Comp

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Carpal Tunnel – Mississippi Workmans Comp

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Carpal Tunnel from work? I can help.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Mississippi Workers Comp Injury

by Jay Foster, 
Mississippi Workers Comp Lawyer

A person can develop carpal tunnel syndrome, cts, from work. Common causes include repetitive motions. In Mississippi, we have a number of employers where repetitive motion is a common occurrence. The employers with these type of jobs are all over the state and include Biloxi, Hattiesburg, Tupelo, Ocean Springs, Gulfport, and many more. This leads to developing carpal tunnel. In fact, it can happen in as little as two weeks. As you will see, this is one reason why some people need to get an injury lawyer in Biloxi or wherever in our state.

A battle of experts sometime occurs when carpal tunnel or frankly any injury is the issue. Most workers comp insurance companies in Mississippi will hire an expert to say that your injury was not related to the accident. Some, if not most, of these so-called experts will even say a Mississippian was not injured at all. You may be surprised at what an expert hired by an insurance company will say. I am not.

Our Mississippi Court Of Appeals recently discussed the issue of carpal tunnel syndrome and the battle of the experts. The Court explained that the Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Commission has what is sometimes described as a “relaxed” evidence standard. In other words, a workers comp case is not like a Mississippi car accident case where evidence is restricted by certain rules. Thus, the administrative law judge and the commission can look to the rules for guidance or interpretation of what should happen but they are not bound to follow any evidentiary rule strictly. The Mississippi legislature has passed a law which states that the commission or administrative law judge does not have to be bound by the normal rules of evidence. Specifically, it is Section 71-3-55 of the Mississippi Code.

In the recent case before the Mississippi Workers Comp Commission and our Mississippi Court Of Appeals, both the Court and the Commission explaiend that the doctors which treated the carpal tunnel patitent were competent. Thus, there testimony was relevant and admissible in evidence before the adminstrative law judge.

The Mississippi Court Of Appeals further explained that it sees the expert battles in many cases and the Commission and the administrative law judge were free to accept or reject an expert’s opinion.

This is why it is crucial to get an experienced Mississippi workmans comp (or workers comp or whatever you want to call it) lawyer.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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