Mississippi Car Accidents – What Do Car Drivers Have To Do?

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Mississippi Car Accidents – What Do Car Drivers Have To Do?

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Mississippi Car Accidents – What Do Car Drivers Have To Do?

by Jay FosterMississippi Car Wreck Attorney

In Mississippi, car or truck drivers have a duty to drive “as a reasonable and prudent person would have
acted under the same or similar circumstances.” Knapp v. Stanford, 392 So. 2d 196, 199
(Miss. 1980). In other words, a car or truck driver must “take reasonably proper steps to avoid an accident or injury to persons and property after having knowledge of danger” and a drive must keep a “lookout.” Shideler v. Taylor, 292 So. 2d 155, 156-57 (Miss. 1974).

As pointed out in these cases, the Mississippi Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the law requires drivers to pay attention and taken proper steps to avoid an accident. This means a driver should not run the yellow light at the last second. Of course, this also means a driver should not run a red light under any circumstances.

In the Knapp case, the Mississippi Supreme Court explained, that “the orderly disposal of negligence cases would be best served by applying uniform principles of negligence under all circumstances.” Id. The test is simple. All this means is whether the person who was supposedly at fault acted as a reasonable and prudent person would have acted under the same or similar circumstances. In other words, instead of keeping a foot on the gas pedal, did the person apply the brakes if that was what was required to avoid a car accident? In addition, whatever the driver did that was supposedly at fault the the evidence presented at trial on that particular issue must show the driver was indeed at fault.

Therefore, a Mississippi car or truck driver must not cause a wreck by failing to pay attention when driving and they must avoid a potential wreck if they realize the danger or accident is about to happen.

The lack of attention causes many more car wrecks than you might think. It is the number one cause of car accidents in Mississippi. Why? It causes more car accidents in Mississippi than other causes because we do all kinds of things while driving such as texting, talking on our cell phone, eating, and other activities which causes accidents.

If you have questions about this or any other type of accident, please call or email Jay Foster.


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