Mississippi Workers Compensation Accidents and Injuries – If My Case Gets Appealed What Is The Standard of Review?

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Mississippi Workers Compensation Accidents and Injuries – If My Case Gets Appealed What Is The Standard of Review?

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Mississippi Workers Compensation Accidents and Injuries – If My Case Gets Appealed What Is The Standard of Review?

by Jay Foster, Mississippi Worker’s Compensation Lawyer

If you are injured in a Mississippi Worker’s Compensation accident, and your case goes to trial, that may not necessarily be the end of the case. Even if you win, the insurance company can appeal the Mississippi Worker’s Compensation Judge’s Decision. We are often asked how much deference is given to the Judge’s Opinion by our Appellate Courts. In Mississippi, although the Judge is the one at the trial and listening to the witnesses, the deference is actually given to the Mississippi Worker’s Compensation Commission.

The Mississippi standard of review when reviewing an order of the Mississippi Worker’s Compensation Commission is that the factual findings of the Commission are binding on any Appellate Court so long as they are supported by substantial evidence. Hedge v. Leggett & Platt, Inc., 641 So. 2d 9, 12 (Miss. 1994). Our Appellate Court’s (and this includes the Mississippi Supreme Court) will reverse an order of the Commission when such order is clearly erroneous or contrary to the overwhelming weight of the evidence. Id. However, if it is a “question of law” then the standard of review by our Appellate Courts changes and a “de novo” (think of “de novo” as meaning the case is before the Appellate Court as if no trial had happened) standard of review is used. Finally, if the Mississippi Worker’s Compensation Commission misapprehended a controlling legal principle, no deference is given at all by our Appellate Courts. Id.

If you have questions about this or any other Mississippi Worker’s Compensation accident or injury, please call or email Jay Foster.


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