Mississippi Workers Compensation Accidents or Injuries – If An Employee Loses A “Scheduled Member” Can They Be Permanently Disabled?

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Mississippi Workers Compensation Accidents or Injuries – If An Employee Loses A “Scheduled Member” Can They Be Permanently Disabled?

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Mississippi Workers Compensation Accidents or Injuries – If An Employee Loses A “Scheduled Member” Can They Be Permanently Disabled?

by Jay Foster, Mississippi Worker’s Compensation Lawyer

If you are injured at work in Mississippi in a worker’s compensation accident and you injure a “scheduled member” in the accident, you may be permanently and totally disabled.

What does this mean? A “scheduled member” can be a hand, arm, leg, or other body part. Disability is not medical disability but rather vocational disabilitly. For example, let us supposed you are a carpenter and have been one all of your life and you do not have other vocational skills such as computer or office skills. While working as a carpenter, you lose your right hand in a Mississippi Worker’s Compensation Accident.

This may mean that you are vocationally disabled. It does not mean that you are medically disabled. In other words, there are very few, if any, other jobs you could do or that an employer would hire you for based on your injury and your vocational skills. These type of cases are difficult so we suggest you hire us or another experienced worker’s compensation lawyer.

The Mississippi Court of Appeals has held, “from the outset we must observe the distinction between the medical or functional impairment of a scheduled member, and an occupational impairment to the same. Our supreme court has recognized that the former represents actual physical infirmity while the latter is a function of such, affecting the claimant’s ability to perform the duties of employment. Therefore a claimant having only a partial impairment to a scheduled member may, through other considerations, establish that, for purposes of his wage earning capacity, the impairment.” Good Earth Development v. Rogers, (Miss. App. 2001).

If you have questions about this or any other Mississippi Worker’s Compensation Accident, please call or email Jay Foster today.


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