MS Car Wreck – Another Car Crossed Over In My Lane, Who Is At Fault?

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MS Car Wreck – Another Car Crossed Over In My Lane, Who Is At Fault?

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MS Car Wreck – Another Car Crossed Over In My Lane, Who Is At Fault?

by Jay Foster, Mississippi Car Wreck Attorney

In Mississippi, car wrecks are sometimes caused by people who cross over lanes of traffic. The question is, who is responsible for a wreck when someone crosses over a lane of traffic?

There are certain Mississippi statutes or laws passed by the Mississippi Legislature that impact who is at fault. First, Section 63-3-707 of the Mississippi Code states, in pertinent part, that a driver should maintain a proper lookout. Section 63-3-803 of the Mississippi Code states that a driver should yield the right-of-way.

When a driver crosses a lane of opposite flowing traffic, these duties must be followed. As such, these same statutes are desinged to protect the drivers whose lanes are being crossed. The Mississippi Legislature created these driver duties to ensure a driver could safely cross opposing lanes and avoid wrecks. If you are injured by a driver crossing your lane of traffic then the statute was designed to protect you.

The following is a short list of some driver duties:

(a) Shideler v. Taylor, 292 So. 2d 155 (Miss. 1974) (It is duty of an automobile driver to see that which is in plain view, open and apparent, to take notice of obvious danger, and to be on alert so as to avoid collision with objects, vehicles, and others using highway.);

(b) Campbell v. Schmidt, 195 So. 2d 87 (Miss. 1967) (A motorist is charged with seeing what he should have seen.);

(c) Fowler Butane Gas Co. v. Varner, 141 So. 2d 226 (Miss. 1962) (A motorist has a duty to keep his automobile under control and to keep a lookout in the direction in which he is proceeding, and he must at all times be vigilant and anticipate and expect the presence of others and cannot assume that the way is clear.);

(d) Tippit v. Hunter, 205 So. 2d 267 (Miss. 1967) (The driver of an automobile is chargeable with the knowledge of all conditions which would be obtainable by the exercise of his faculties, and it is his duty to see that which is in plain view or open and apparent and to take notice of obvious dangers.);

(e) Sohio Petro. Co. v. Fowler, 231 Miss. 72, 94 So. 2d 350 (Miss. 1957) (A motorist is under a duty to keep proper lookout and be on alert for other vehicles using highway and a statutory duty not to turn her vehicle from a direct course upon a highway unless and until such movement can be made with reasonable safety, and then only after giving appropriate signal by hand, arm, or signal device in event any other vehicle might be affected by such
movement.); and finally,

(f) Flynt v. Fondren, 122 Miss. 248, 84 So. 188 (1920) (A driver of a motor vehicle must keep a lookout for other vehicles and persons and keep his machine under control and cannot assume that the road is clear but must under all circumstances and at all times be vigilant and anticipate and expect the presence of others, and if he fails to do so, he is negligent).

If you have questions about this and you are in a car wreck in Hattiesburg, Gulfport, Biloxi, Pascagoula, Gulfport, Ocean Springs or any other city in Mississippi, please call or email Jay Foster.


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