ms car accidents or wrecks

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ms car accidents or wrecks

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FREE Book, Top 5 Mistakes That Can WRECK Your Mississippi Car Wreck Case. BEFORE You Hire A Lawyer, Read My Book FIRST! Biloxi, Pascagoula, Hattiesburg, Mississippi Car Wreck Questions, My Book Has Answers.

Jay Foster – am I the best car wreck and worker’s compensation lawyer in Mississippi? Go watch the videos of my clients. If you are in an accident, please read my book first BEFORE you hire any lawyer (and this includes me!), Mississippi Car Wreck Lawyer Jay Foster.

What I want you to do is read my book to get the RIGHT Lawyer BEFORE you hire the WRONG Lawyer. And this includes me. I may not be the right lawyer for your car wreck or worker’s comp accident. My book explains why.

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Distracted Driving Is More Dangerous Than Drunk Driving

Distracted Driving Is More Dangerous Than Drunk Driving | How Far Do You Go at 55 MPH?

At 55 miles per hour, a driver can travel more than the length of a football field just reading a stupid text message or looking as something on stupid social media.  This is distracted driving!

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STOP Distracted Driving!!
For example, if you are driving 55 miles per hour, it usually takes about five seconds to unlock your phone, look at your phone, access the text message or social media. In one second, you have gone 80.67 feet. In five seconds, you have now gone 403.35 feet! That is 134.5 yards!

Do you want to know the LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH FOR TEENS WHILE DRIVING????  It is distracted driving!!!  Read more by clicking on leading cause of death for teens.

Distracted Driving Is More Dangerous Than Drunk Driving | Stay Off Your Cell Phone

Good night in heaven folks, PLEASE stay off your stupid cell phone.  Stop driving distracted.  Why are you letting some computer engineer hack your brain and control you into thinking you need to look at something stupid on social media???? Or, you are letting the computer engineer control you into thinking you need see how many “likes” you have??? Frankly, I think social media is the toilet bowl of the internet. Yes, I’m on it but I’ll let you in on a secret – it is not me. One of my social media assistants runs it for me. I never see what is on social media and I do NOT care. My life was just fine before social media and it is just fine now.

So, what does all this mean? It means we are killing ourselves not by the dozens, not by the hundreds, but by the thousands every year.

Think about that for a second, if we had plane crashes that killed thousands of Americans every year, there would be Congressional investigations, the President of the United States would call for the National Transportation Authority to investigate; heck, people would probably go to prison.  

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Distracted Driving Is More Dangerous Than Drunk Driving

This is crazy but we keep doing it. So here is a couple of studies showing distracted driving is more dangerous than drunk driving.

Yet, here we are accepting that it is okay for drivers to choose to be distracted while driving. You want to read a text message while driving? Sure, why not? You want to get on social media while driving? Sure, why not? You want to play a game on your phone while driving? Sure, why not?

Here is another link that says distracted driving is more dangerous than drunk driving.

Distracted Driving Is More Dangerous Than Drunk Driving |Statistics

At some point, we have to say, enough is enough.

So here are the sobering and VERY scary statistics for you: In 2016, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration gathered the statistics for distracted driving. There were 265,000 INJURIES because of distracted driving.  265,000!  That is truly insane.  In 2016, there were 3,242 Americans KILLED by distracted driving.  3,242!  That is also completely insane! You can download the statistics at the top of this page.

Guess what? Deaths are up.  Do you want to know why?  DISTRACTED DRIVING is why.  Here’s a study from the insurance journal that talks about it so click on distracted driving deaths.  In fact, it is UNDER REPORTED for a bunch of different reasons as talked about in the link but I can tell you in my own experience, MOST distracted drivers LIE about it.  Imagine that.  We’ve raised an entire generation that believe it is okay to lie about what they did.  Click on distracted driving is under reported for another link proving it.

So if you get called on a jury and you say, “Well, it’s not a big deal. No one died. They weren’t paralyzed.” or something else like this – if you say this when you are on a jury, you are asking for it to happen again. And the injuries and deaths on the roads go up. Is that the kind of community we really want??MwMik15tuPqCbUNNarVasuiSx*b$6%

What if it is you next time??? What if it is your kid next time?? What if it is your family member or friend? And what if this time the distracted driver kills someone??? That’s why we have to start holding distracted drivers accountable in civil lawsuits. Why? The local criminal prosecutors aren’t holding them accountable. Nope. To my knowledge, there has not been even one local criminal prosecution.

So how in the heck do you teach somebody a lesson? How do you let them know this conduct is crazy and they can’t choose to break the law, endanger others and then get away with it??? In civil cases, we can’t put them in jail, the only thing that can be done is money. Yes, I know some of us like eye for an eye Justice but the fact of the matter is we can’t do that here.

The choice is yours. If you want our roads to get even more dangerous than they already are, if you want more mayhem, then vote for whatever the defense lawyer tells you to do. If you want safer roads, then vote for the civil prosecutor and get the defendant’s attention with a lot of money. As I said, the choice is yours. What one will you make???

USA 1 – Russia 0

This has absolutely nothing to do with car wrecks or longshore or worker’s compensation cases.

But, it’s too good not to share.

The Russians tried to attack the United States Military in Syria.

Of course, the Russians deny it was them but communications intercepted show it was.

There’s no need for me to describe what happened because a phone call that was recorded describes it all.

I love it and maybe it will teach the Russians a lesson to not get near a United States Military force again.

So here are the calls that got recorded.  It’s a Russian talking about the absolute butt-whipping we put on them:

First clip:

“The reports that are on TV about … well, you know, about Syria and the 25 people that are wounded there from the Syrian f— army and — well … to make it short, we’ve had our asses f— kicked. So one squadron f— lost 200 people … right away, another one lost 10 people … and I don’t know about the third squadron, but it got torn up pretty badly, too … So three squadrons took a beating … The Yankees attacked … first they blasted the f— out of us by artillery, and then they took four helicopters up and pushed us in a f— merry-go-round with heavy caliber machine guns … They were all shelling the holy f— out of it, and our guys didn’t have anything besides the assault rifles … nothing at all, not even mentioning shoulder-fired SAMs or anything like that … So they tore us to pieces for sure, put us through hell, and the Yankees knew for sure that the Russians were coming, that it was us, f— Russians … Our guys were going to commandeer an oil refinery, and the Yankees were holding it … We got our f— asses beat rough, my men called me … They’re there drinking now … many have gone missing … it’s a total f— up, it sucks, another takedown … Everybody, you know, treats us like pieces of s— … They beat our asses like we were little pieces of s— … but our f— government will go in reverse now, and nobody will respond or anything, and nobody will punish anyone for this … So these are our casualties.”

Second clip:

“Out of all vehicles, only one tank survived and one BRDM [armored reconnaissance vehicle] after the attack, all other BRDMs and tanks were destroyed in the first minutes of the fight, right away.”

Third clip:

“Just had a call with a guy — so they basically formed a convoy, but did not get to their f— positions by some 300 meters. One unit moved forward, the convoy remained in place, about 300 meters from the others. The others raised the American f— flag, and their artillery started f— ours really hard. Then their f— choppers flew in and started f— everybody. Ours just running around. Just got a call from a pal, so there are about 215 f— killed. They simply rolled ours out f— hard. Made their point. What the f— ours were hoping for in there?! That they will f— run away themselves? Hoped to f— scare them away? Lots of people f— so bad [they] can’t be f— ID’d. There was no foot soldiers [on the American side]; they simply f— our convoy with artillery.”


The score?

USA = 1

Russian = 0


Jay Foster Lawyer Reviews Biloxi Personal Injury Lawyer

Robert Gladden Reviews Jay Foster

Thanks Mr. Gladden!

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Posted in BlogMS Car Accidents or Wrecks | Edit | 2 Comments �

Debbie Bailey Reviews Jay Foster Lawyer Biloxi

Ms. Bailey was kind enough to review me.

Thanks Ms. Bailey!!!


I saw a friend of mine who hire a lawyer only to be disappointed.

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The lawyer is too busy to talk with her.

They play phone tag.

I’ll bet she talks to the secretary more than she talks to the lawyer.

I get calls like this every day from people injured in wrecks or at work.

If she had read my Tips on How To Find A Good Lawyer, this wouldn’t have happened.

Are The TV Lawyers Any Better????

I also saw someone hired one of the TV Lawyers recently.

I can’t say this lawyer’s name because he’ll file another Law License Complaint against me (he lost that case against me).

I don’t care about that so much because I just tell the truth about him but the Law License Rules don’t allow me to mention his name and compare myself to him.

Stupid rule but that’s what the Rules say.

This TV lawyer is is so jealous of me, he still reads my blog and looks for a reason to report me to the Bar.

I know he’ll read this one so “Hello to you again Mr. TV Lawyer.  I hope you like what I write today.”

I’ll let you in on a SECRET this TV Lawyer doesn’t want you to know:

This particular TV lawyer doesn’t have a Mississippi Law License!

He doesn’t want you to know that.

He tried to have my law license taken away for telling the truth about him but he lost.

Fortunately, the truth won for once.

But, he gets on TV and acts like he’s going to get you a million dollars for your Mississippi case but the reality is he can’t do anything for you.

He doesn’t have a license here so he can do absolutely nothing for you.

You wouldn’t hire a doctor without a Mississippi Medical License so why in the heck would you hire a lawyer without a Mississippi Law License????!!!???

WARNING: I’ll let you in on another little secret: this particular lawyer (and all the TV Lawyers you see are pretty much like this) settles his cases for pennies on the dollar.


Because insurance companies don’t respect them.

The insurance companies don’t respect the TV lawyers because they know jurors hate them.

It seems every time I go to Court, I get people saying they hate the lawyer TV ads and this lawyer’s name or his stupid ad is usually mentioned.

If these people are voting on your case, how in the heck do you expect to win it if they hate the law firm your lawyer works for?????????????????????

And despite what they act like, these TV lawyers don’t go to trial.

Even though the lawyer I’m talking about doesn’t have a Mississippi Law License, he doesn’t even go to trial in the State where he does have a law license.

Why not?

Because he knows the jurors hate him and he will lose your case.

Do You Think You’ll Ever Talk To Your TV Lawyer???


Is this question a joke?

You’re not talking to this lawyer that advertises on TV.

He has to hire other lawyers to talk with you because he can’t do anything for you because he doesn’t have a Mississippi Law License.

And he darn sure isn’t getting on the phone with you or meeting with you about your case.

You wouldn’t hire a doctor to operate on you that you haven’t met so why in the world would you hire a lawyer who you haven’t met????

That’s crazy.

The Windup – Legal Crusader To The Rescue!

The final thought for today is I noticed a bunch of lawyers have their own employees review them on Google and Facebook.

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I’m On A Mission!

You won’t find any of my staff EVER reviewing me.  I will fired any of my staff that EVER does that.  That is FRAUDULENT.

And I don’t take reviews down, you get to see the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I don’t please everyone and I’ve learned from my years of doing business you won’t please everyone.

But, none of my clients will ever say they could not talk with me (if they do, they aren’t telling the truth).

The truth is when you hire me, you can set your own phone appointment or office meeting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week online.

No phone tag.

No leaving messages.

No aggravation.

I handle my own cases myself.

You don’t get pushed off on an associate lawyer.

You don’t get pushed off on a paralegal.

You hire me, you get me.

Try that with your TV lawyer!

Heck, try that with ANY lawyer and I bet you walk away wondering why in the heck you hired the lawyer in the first place.

Lawyers wonder why we are hated.

I don’t wonder at all.



Ocean Springs Car Wreck Lawyer – Bobby Reviews Jay Foster

My client, Bobby Bosarge, gave a nice video review.

Thanks again Bobby!

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Ocean Springs Car Wreck Lawyer Jay Foster

My client, John Hollowell, wants you to see this video of his review of me.

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Biloxi Car Wreck Lawyer – Sarah Reviews Jay Foster

Ms. Sarah Majors reviews me.

She is a very nice lady and we were able to help her in her situation with her injury at my law offices.

Thanks again Ms. Majors!!!

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Popeye’s Gets Sued For Selling Chicken? The Full Lawsuit Is Below

I’m really having a hard time with this one.

A lawyer buys some Popeye’s Chicken to go.

He gets the chicken from Popeye’s in Gulfport.

The lawyer drives to his office.

The lawyer eats the chicken.

Some chicken gets stuck in his throat.

The lawyer sues Popeye’s!


Lawyer Sues Popeye’s For Selling Chicken – I’m Lost

I’m completely lost on this one.

How in the heck are we filing a lawsuit against Popeye’s for chicken getting stuck in your throat.

I’ve seen some wild theories on lawsuits in my 22 years of practice.

Here’s the theory: Popeye’s is at fault for failing to give the lawyer a knife so he could cut the chicken.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never used a knife in my entire life eating chicken.

Not once.

I just use my hands and pick it up and eat it.

Isn’t this how everyone eats chicken or am I wrong?

So the lawyer is upset because Popeye’s gives something they call a “spork” which is a combination spoon and fork.

Lawyers wonder why they are hated. . . I don’t wonder. . .I don’t wonder at all.

You can read the full lawsuit by clicking on the link below:



Ocean Springs Car Wreck Lawyer Attorney

Sarah Rushing And Erika Larson – How Do The Parents Move On?

Sarah Rushing and Erika Larson.

You know, life will move on for us.

But, for the parents of Sarah Rushing and Erika Larson, life isn’t going to move on.

Heck, I don’t know how in the world life could go on.

I’ve got 5 kids and I would be completely and totally devastated if they were killed in a wreck like Sarah Rushing and Erika Larson.

Sarah Rushing And Erika Larson – No Seat Belts?

Kim Rushing told the paper that neither Sarah or Erika were wearing their seat belts.

She asked “Why weren’t they wearing them?”

I wish I had an answer for that.

I wish I could turn back time like Superman and spin the world backwards and put these seat belts on for these kids.

But, I can’t and no one can.

This is why I have the Mississippi Seat Belt Pledge.

I give away my book for free to anyone as long as they take the pledge

I did this pledge before on my blog but someone got upset about it.

So, I never did it again.

Sarah Rushing And Erika Larson – Wear Your Seat Belt!

Look, I don’t care what you do, where you work, whether you hate lawyers like I do or not.

Do yourself a favor, do your friends and family a favor and WEAR your seat belt.

I don’t know if this would have helped Sarah Rushing and Erika Larson.

But, it might have.

And if there’s just one chance in a million that it might save your life, I’ll bet you that your friends and family would say wear the stupid seat belt.

I wear mine every time.

Not just some of the time.


Put it on and buckle up.

Erika Larson trained as a gymnast.

Sarah Rushing trained as a weight lifter.

Their lives were cut way too short.

And they may have been lost over something really simple.

A seat belt.

And please pray for the friends and family of these poor girls.

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