How To Get Your Kid A 30 On The ACT For A Full Academic Scholarship | Part Two

How To Get Your Kid A 30 On The ACT For A Full Academic Scholarship | Tough Times

I know it is hard right now.

You are stressed.

Stressed from this stupid virus.

Stressed from work or lack of work.

Stressed from trying to teach your kid school right now.

I know it’s tough.

I’ve got 5 kids – can you tell I’m Catholic? 🙂

So with that many kids I have to stay organized.

But, be tough on your kids.

Don’t let them whine their way out of getting a 30 on the ACT.

You want stress?

How about if your kid has NO WAY TO PAY for college???

That’s stress.

Listen, tough times require tough actions.

Your kids HAVE MORE TIME RIGHT NOW THAN THEY WILL EVER HAVE due to this stupid virus!

PLEASE, I’m begging you, do NOT let them waste it by playing video games and watching tv!!!

How To Get Your Kid A 30 On The ACT | FREE Chromebook

This is part two of an on-going series of blog posts about how to get your kid a 30 on the ACT.

You see if your kid gets a 30 on the ACT, your kid will go to college in Mississippi for FREE!!

I have already got two kids making a 34 on the ACT and I want to teach you how I did it.

So, if you need programs to help you teach your kid how to get a 30 on the ACT, please see my previous blog on this by clicking on how to get your kid a 30 on the ACT.

This is what I suggest you do next.

First, I know computers can be a challenge but I’m hoping your school has given your kid a chromebook.

If not, here is on website you can go to so you can get a free one:

After you get that laptop, if you get a Windows laptop, it will probably be incredibly slow.

So, I recommend converting it to a Chromebook for free.  Click on converting to a Chromebook for free to do this.

You’ll want to convert to a chromebook for several reasons but primarily, the issue is speed.  I find that Windows laptops slow down so much it will drive you and your kid crazy if you fail to convert it.

Also, most of the schools are using Google classroom anyway so a chromebook works nicely for this.

How To Get Your Kid A 30 On The ACT For A Full Academic Scholarship | Part Two – Typing

So, this part of the blog deals with typing.


You must be crazy Jay, why in the world would my kid need to learn to type????

Are you stupid or something Jay???!!!??  Give me a break!!!???

Allow me to explain.

First, your kid is going to need to learn how to type anyway.


Your kid will have to do research papers either in high school or college.

Who the heck is going to type a paper for your kid if they can’t type?

How the heck is your kid going to get done with their paper in time if they can’t type?

Why WASTE so much time right now with your kid hunting and pecking instead of typing 65-70 words per minute?

The TIME is what you and your kid can NEVER get back.

Time is the ONE thing we can never get back.  It is THE MOST VALUABLE commodity in the world!!

So why waste it hunting and pecking on a keyboard as if you are some idiot?

You might think, well, Jay you are stupid, why don’t I just use one of the speaking software things to just do the typing for me?

Why you ask?

I’ll tell you why: those supposed “naturally speaking” software programs do not work very well.  They stink.  Your kid can type it and edit it much faster if they just learn to type.

This isn’t hard to learn.

Please click on and sign your kid up for an account.

It is FREE!

Now, why else do I want your kid to sign up for typing?

A LOT of classwork and homework is done on the computer.

Typing will increase the speed this gets done.

Remember, TIME is the one commodity that we can’t get back.

Your kid has limited time to study for the ACT so we need to maximize that time by eliminating time-wasters.

Heck, both of the software programs that I recommended to you in my first blog on how to get your kid a 30 on the ACT REQUIRE typing.

Just have your kid spend 15 minutes a day learning how to type.

Start them early!!!

I started my 5 year old on this and you can do it also!!

Don’t take “no” for an answer.

Your job as a parent is to make your kid better than you.

Don’t let your kid be another education statistical failure in Mississippi.

I see sometimes that people in Mississippi make fun of others with advanced educations.

This has to be THE STUPIDEST thing I have ever heard.

Why in the heck would you set that example for your children???


Why would you not praise the people with advanced degrees and hammer it into your kids head every day about how important education is???

There is simply no reason at all to do this and I don’t get it at all.

We seem to pass down from generation to generation that it is okay to be stupid.


Why can’t your kid be a lawyer????

Why can’t your kid be a doctor????

Why can’t your kid be a rocket scientist????

There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON your kid can’t do that or any other challenging academic profession!!!

As I said, I know times are tough.  I know it sucks right now but don’t let your kid waste the time.

You can do it!!!

I’ll post part 3 of how to get your kid a 30 on the ACT in the future!!!

Together we can do this!!!

If you have questions about this, do NOT hesitate to go to and set a phone appointment so we do not play phone tag – I know you hate phone tag and so do I.



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